When’s the Best Time to Post on Your Facebook?If you run a Facebook for your business (hint: you should be), then you may be wondering what time of day is best to post something. You might have content down and know that you should target your audience with relatable content. You may even have some interesting content lined up to post, but when do you post it? Posting at the wrong time can be disastrous, especially if it’s good content that would go to waste. Let’s check out three questions you should ask yourself before posting something.

Who am I Trying to Appeal To?

Your audience matters! Namely, this is because different audiences will be on at different times. A working-class mom, for example, may not be on at noon because she is at work. A housewife may have the opposite schedule because children often take naps around noon. Use your head and, if necessary, polls and surveys to figure out when people are most likely going to see your post on their Newsfeeds.

What am I Talking About?

What’s your niche? Even though it’s likely you’re in the technology industry, do you have a more specific audience you’d like to reach? A recent study actually shows, in general, when people read certain posts from Facebook pages the most:

Food and Beverage: Weekends – because, of course, that’s when people dine out the most
Retail: Mondays
Finance: Sundays and Fridays are almost tied
Technology: Mondays, usually during typical working hours
Travel and Leisure: Generally on the weekend, peaking Sunday afternoons

Figure out your niche and see if posts made on your day actually bring you more attention.

And Finally – am I Being Engaging?

Do all your posts include a picture, something interesting to read, and on occasion, a question your audience can answer? Do you post for fun as well as business to show your clients you’re more than just a business (but a person, too)? Find what engages your audience the most by posting different things. What gets shared the most, and what gets the most likes? Post this kind of content during peak hours to see some pretty good results.

Remember, posting the right content at the right time will not only boost your popularity, it’ll help establish you as an expert and bring more clients to your door.