Do you ever feel like Facebook hides its useful features and expects you to find them on your own? These hidden functions can sometimes save you tons of time and effort, and are often very useful in a number of other ways as well. If you want to check some of these features out, read on.
Facebook Archive
This wonderfully useful feature under your Account Settings allows you to download your friend’s email addresses along with your own wall posts and most of the things you’ve shared over the last few months. You can even download an advanced copy, for a price, that includes IP addresses and locations. Check out the General Tab and check under Language once you get there to download these useful documents.
Make Your Username Your Own
Once you have twenty five fans, you can make your own URL (so that people can access your page by going to This means it’ll be even easier for you to hand out your Facebook URL to those you wish to come and check it out. You can also use this URL on newsletters, other communications, and websites to make it easy for your customers to find you.
Personal Facebook Email
This feature was announced, but it isn’t used very much. However, it can be handy for businesses. A Facebook user can email anyone from their Facebook, and a Facebook account can receive an email from any other person. The email is defaulted to, and it makes it easy to chat with people without even visiting Facebook.
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