3 Tips to Help Your Website’s “About” Page ShineThere is so much to do when it comes to designing your website. From easy navigation to your layout, you have plenty of things to consider with regard to the coding. Did you know that one of the most visited web pages on your website might be your About page? Even if it’s beautiful and well laid-out, your content will make or break the reader’s impression of you. Often, these pages are done poorly, and sometimes they don’t even exist. Sometimes the pages haven’t been updated since the website was designed, and sometimes they actually say very little about the company itself. So how can you ensure this doesn’t happen to you? Here are a few tips to get you started.

Focus on the Target Audience

Sure, you want your About page to include “we” or “my” as you are talking about your company, after all – but not addressing your audience as “you” and “your” is a grave mistake. You (the company) want to improve their (the client’s) user experience, so you want to direct your About page towards pleasing those clients. Instead of saying, “Our company aims to improve results, perfect pages, and improve customer service,” you should include a direct address to the audience. “Our company is here to improve the experience of your users and make your marketing efforts effective. You’ve come to the right place…”

Include Real Photos

Generic photos are okay, but the best kind of photo to include on your About page are real photos of your building, your team, or your office space. For long About pages, this helps break up the text wall and gives readers something interesting to look at as they read. For short About pages, this helps fill in some white space and make the page more interesting. You don’t really need professional shots, but high quality shots do help.

Don’t Miss This Opportunity for Internal Linking

While your About page shouldn’t be all about linking away from it, dropping a few references to other pages or blog articles never hurt anyone. In fact, it might keep people on your website even longer and lead to some conversions. Pointing potential clients towards some beginner-friendly posts means you keep their attention that much longer.

Finally, Be Very Clear

You do what you do – don’t sugar coat it or beat around the bush. There should be information about services and products that you’re proud of and are featured on the other parts of your site. Sure, your job title is probably fairly obvious to you and the people you work with, but spelling it out on your About page will make it clear to everyone else too. Tell people what you do, and make sure you are transparent and concise. This will make it easier to know what it is that clients are considering purchasing from you.

Your About page should be clear, a good mixture of pictures and words, and interesting. Not only should it show your company’s values, it should give customers a taste of who they’ll be working with for weeks or years to come.

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