10 Must-Do’s for Marketing with Social MediaMarketing your business with social media can be both inexpensive and effective. However, the options within the social media realm are vast, and getting started can be overwhelming. In turn making the marketing goals scattered and undirected. Implement these 10  Marketing Do’s to make the most of this marketing platform.

  1. Start early. Social media accounts should be created even before the business is fully ready. During software development or store setup. Don’t wait until the business has been completely rolled out. Expect to invest 9-12 months before results are seen.
  2. Select the right platform. Social media can be time intensive. An active account on every  site may be too much to handle. Different social media sites will have different advantages. Align the needs of your marketing campaign to the appropriate site.
  3. Build a great profile. Start with an avatar that is like-able, trustworthy, and competent. Then select a background picture to set the tone to your business and personality. Within one second, a viewer will determine if it is worth following, or not.
  4. Supply stead content. Provide a constant and worthwhile stream of content. If it is too time intensive to create unique content, instead find and share valuable content. The effect is the same for the followers.
  5. Follow the lead. Stay informed about what others are viewing, and then share it. Use the system to share what you know others want to see.
  6. Remember the goal: powerful marketing. It is easy to get distracted with the need to meet people or become popular. Social media marketing is about sharing relevant content to your followers, and earn the right to promote your own business. Self-promotion should only go out once in 20 posts.
  7. Always use eye candy. Visual posts are everywhere, and a text only post would become lost. Be sure to include a picture or video with every post.
  8. Respond to comments; even the simplest questions. Show your followers that there is a person on the other end.It isn’t enough to only push out information.
  9. Stay positive or stay silent. Lurkers who read but don’t comment, will read through a comment thread and judge silently. Avoid arguing or negative comments to any post. Keep a comment thread to three rounds: they ask, you answer, they comment, the end. It can often be easy to be drawn into a heated, uneducated exchange.
  10. Repeat posts. This controversial suggestion follows suit with the news industry. A news story is aired all throughout a day to present the opportunity for more to see the pertinent information. Minor changes can be made to a post and shared up to 4 times in one day.

Expect complaints and negative feedback from 1% of the followers. If the number is greater, then there may be changes to be made. Otherwise, simply take them in stride and let them slide.

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