Facebook Marketing: 7 Ways to Add Value to Your Social MediaFacebook can be an integral part of any business’s marketing strategy. Statistical benefits of marketing on Facebook include:

  • Business to consumer (B2C) companies have found they have gained 77% of their customers from Facebook; business to business (B2B) vendors found 43%.
  • Twenty percent of internet webpage views were directed from Facebook.
  • As a percentage of all social media referred traffic, 74% came from Facebook.

The technology age is not maturing; we are in the midst of it. From a business marketing standpoint, Facebook can be a central point for your marketing strategy. Any marketing platform is an investment; maximize your return on investment with these tips for utilizing this marketing opportunity.

  1. Be aware any business laws and regulations you must adhere to; this can be critical to minimize business risk.
  2. Develop brand architecture; know exactly who you are before starting any marketing. This brand should be consistent across all electronic mediums – web pages, Facebook, e-mailings, other social media sites.
  3. Answer the Why’s and How’s: know what the customer needs to know so you can share it.  Why you do what you do, why it can add value to your customers, how you will solve their problem, how you can make their life and/or business better.
  4. Have specific, defined goals; where you are going, why you want to be there, and how you’re going to make it happen. These goals will clearly define your objective so you can make it happen with marketing.
  5. Keep posts to less than 80 characters; achieve more engagement. Communicate the information quickly and efficiently.
  6. Analyze your most visited websites and blog pages; analyze your top 10 exit pages or blogs. Figure out what your customers want and need.
  7. Look for ways to add value to your Facebook community; more so than obtaining additional Facebook likes. Focus on what happens after the Facebook like.

Take the time to know where you want the marketing to take your business. Avoid the random acts of posting content for the sake of posting content.  Social media marketing is much more than just joining and posting. This medium allows for a connection with customers, vendors, and peers. However, it is not a replacement to planning, setting goals, understanding your customers and delivering these needs. Good marketing shared on Facebook can be broadcast to a large audience, and that is where you can find the social media value.

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