10 Ways a Tablet Can Increase Business ProductivityThe specifications and apps available on tablets have made them fun for reading and entertainment, but this rapidly changing technology has made it time to rethink this sigma.

Tablets have moved from a single-core processor to a dual-core CPU, with memory space quadrupling. They are not yet designed to completely replace your computer, but have moved beyond simple amusement, and depending on your business needs, they can be more useful than a bulky laptop. Here are a couple uses for tablets in your business.

  1. Highly portable with their sleek, lightweight design. A tablet can be as mobile as your smartphone. To increase ease of use, invest in a keyboard attachment.
  2. Complete office access to web, email and business apps or business systems already in place. Coupled with a Bluetooth keyboard, efficiency can be comparable to having a laptop.
  3. Customer information readily available on the go. Immediately following, during or before a client meeting a CRM or other useful sales apps can be fully utilized; streamlining sales opportunities.
  4. Useful productivity apps are now in abundance, but don’t skimp. Determine the business needs, then invest in useful applications to build time and money saving systems.
  5. Bigger may not be better on tablet storage. Look carefully at the tablet purpose; if most information is cloud accessible, there may be little reason for larger memory. Save on the memory and invest in the productivity tools.
  6. A data plan may save you time and money. If connectivity is not readily available for client visits and business operations, then plan ahead and purchase a data plan. Limiting service interruptions will be worth it in the end.
  7. Know the strength of the tablet; portable, easily accessible information. A more robust computer is still ideal for utilizing multiple sources while drafting a document. Toggling between views can be frustrating on a table. Fit the right tools to the project.
  8. Maintain a tech savvy edge. Depending on your market, keeping an edge to technology can improve your business credibility. Utilizing the latest device to offer a presentation or access your business site during a customer visit will leave a positive impression. All without the distracting environment of a full computer.
  9. Use creatively. Make them available for customer use, add a pen and use for notes or mind mapping. Find unique ways to integrate and enhance the customer’s experience.
  10. Stay focused on the content. Tablet limitations should be identified, so their true potential is utilized.

A tablet strategy in your business begins with a strong, high-speed internet connection. Be sure you have great Wi-Fi connectivity in your office.

Image credit: Creative Commons License Martin Abegglen

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