Two Handy Email Inbox Management ToolsDo you have trouble mastering your inbox? You’re not alone: the average business owner receives 110 emails a day, and that number is supposed to increase to 125 by 2015 according to the Radicati Group study. So how does one conquer such a large pile of communication every day without missing anything?


How many emails do you have in your inbox – and how many of them are important? Who knows, unless you can sort them somehow. And you can with Mailstrom. Mailstrom allows you to sort email in your inbox into fancy little groups. You can group by sender, subject, or even custom filters. You can use it on pretty much any email service, and the popular ones are all officially supported (gmail, Yahoo, etc). So do you have 32 LinkedIn updates you know you’re never going to read? Sort and delete.


Triage is a good program because it doesn’t allow you to skip decisions. For around $2, you can pare down on your inbox fairly quickly from your iPhone. Link an email or two to your Triage, and you’ll see all of your emails appear when you enter your email program as a stack of cards. Flick up to delete, flick down to mark them as unread and keep them in your inbox. You can even tap the message to write a reply then and there. You have to make decisions about your emails when you’re using Triage – you can’t just skip ahead and ignore something you don’t want to deal with.

While the two tools above don’t represent every possibility, and there are other apps out there that can and will help you organize your inbox, hopefully knowing about a few will help you take the steps that you need to make great things happen with your emails when they come in and not days later.