Having a strong, solid brand mostly has to do with consistency. Think about it for a moment. What’s the first thing you think about when you think Disney? Mickey Mouse, fairy tale castles, Snow White? There are tons of things we associate with the company, and it’s not because we’ve just “done” it – Disney has branded themselves in such a way that “made” us think those things when we think about them.
Wouldn’t it be perfect if your target audience could have associations like this for your company? Ultimately, that should your goal, and it all starts with consistency in the following elements:
No matter where your logo is, it needs to be the same. Your logo should be tied to what you do, simple, easy to remember, and unique in some way. You’re looking for something that says more than just “that company’s logo” to you and your target audience. Disney’s Mickey Mouse ears means more than just a pair of cartoon ears, and Nike means much more than a fancy check mark. Those logos have become the face of the company, and yours should too.
I would make a bet that your employees aren’t robots. Since they aren’t, and you aren’t, your personality should come through in everything you do. Let your sense of humor come through and show that your company is more than just people trying to make sales. When’s the last time you went to the Google search engine homepage and there wasn’t something quirky or entertaining about the main logo?
Why are You Valuable?
Your company is valuable to someone. Otherwise, it’s likely you wouldn’t be in business. So what makes you valuable? What do your customers love about you? Once you figure it out, it should be at the very core of everything you say and do. Use it whenever you can. Integrate it into your motto, your mission statement, and your entire company’s existence.
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